House of RollaGanza

Geplaatst op 12-05-2020

The House of RollaGanza.

In the evolution of expressing our feelings for rhythm roller skating, things have changed a lot over time. Roller skating itself used to be the endgoal, the only goal; learn a move, polish it up, have fun with it and then move on to the next one.

Nowadays, with many years of experience on so many different levels, through practice, travelling, research, discussions, adapting, innovating, and of course some inevitable trials and tribulations as part of evolving into entrepeneurship, roller skating has become an extraordinary instrument to communicate with people and motivate those who show an interest and reach out.

The whole experience has truly been a soulful journey with a strong and consistent narrative, explaining and radiating our passion and dedication. Throughout the years, we have coined our own phrases, words and credos, to support and strengthen the narrative, but also as reference, mnemonic and explanation. They are absolutely characteristic and now commonly associated with our brand of Soulful Fitness Roller Skate Training and our personal expression of rhythm roller skating.

Our passion and dedication for what we do, isn`t strictly limited to roller skating though and that might be even the broader message and the most important lesson we have learned ourselves: “ You are not what you do, you are what you learn.”

~ When you dedicate yourself to something for an extended period of time, or you are bound to do something not entirely out of choice, but more out of necessity, either way you will absolutely learn things, perhaps change your perspective. Taking those learnings to other areas of your life for the better, is the biggest achievement you can make; bringing your learnings to a new cycle, a new learning curve. ~

We have selected 26 terms of which 2 (rhythm roller skating and roll call) already existed and 1 was coined by Carol Solomon during one of her visits at the Es Quint Foundation (once you go, you grow.)

These are the 26 stones our house was built on!

1. 4 Principles of Balance 2. Brain in Balance 3. Challenge your balance
4. control your roll 5. drill it till you kill it 6. Es Quint 7. First Form
8. Flow Form & Function 9. flow motion 10. Free Forms & Freezes
11. from the core to the floor 12. improve your move 13. kids roll power
14. Logical Learning Path 15. Meditation in Motion 16. Motion is Lotion
17. once you go you grow 18. Passion & Dedication 19. repetition is the mother of skill
20. Rhythm Roller Skating 21. riffs & routines 22. roll call 23. rollaganza
24. sk8 life saves lives 25. Soulful Fitness 26. Up Close & Funktional

Brian B. Kanhai Soulful Fitness  Quadsk8 / Es Quint Foundation

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